Say hello to the Tiger Toddler. She's got Moses' nose and mouth, Dusk's eye shape and colour, and Fabian throwback hair which was in turn passed down from her great-great-grandfather Hank.
TT: 'Bow down to your new heiress, mm?'
Not so fast. I still like Snooki ;_;. And also, I'd like to try to keep a balanced heir-heiress ratio.

Meanwhile, in the living room...
Grim: 'Oh, this is awkward...'
Dusk: 'Yeah, you really missed that urn by a mile.'
Grim: 'I'm sorry, I didn't want you to have to see your husband, uh, like this.'
Dusk: 'Can you just clean up here once you're finished?'
Grim: 'Oh, don't worry ma'am. I'm ever the gentleman when it comes to cleaning up after, no matter how messy it gets .'
Dusk: '...Well it's not like this is the first time the Sims series has had N.P.C.s for that kinda thing. '
Dusk: 'Please just leave so I can complete this queue of 'Pass Out' in peace.'

Moses: 'Hey Dusk, does something, uh, smell kinda like death in here to you? Hey Dusk? Dusk?'
She got her wish.

Moses: 'Uh, excuse me. Can I get in here? It's kind of, uh, urgent.'

Bouncer: 'Well, my psychic jazz hands say you're only two stars. Minimum is four. Get out.'
Moses: 'But-but, it's really an emergency! I need somewhere to hide, he's coming for me - OH DEAR NO HOMO.'

Bouncher: 'Authority has been upheld. I regret nothing.'

Grim: 'Sigh, Moses. You really can't go a day without this, can you? I do have a schedule to keep to, you know.'
Pile of Ashes Moses: 'I'm sorry, Grim.' :(

Grim: 'We can't keep this up, man. People are starting to get, uh... the wrong idea.'
Moses: 'Yeah, no kidding.'


Get crazy, get loud, it's your birthday, go wild~

Snooki: 'You've got your wires crossed, lady. Pirates have nothing to do with ninjas.'
Well, whatever. It was the best thing I could find in C.A.S. for your new trait. Besides, I think you'll find it's you who has their wires crossed. Ninjas are Japanese, and Sim Fu is the only martial art available in this game. You're as confused as Will Smith's son in the Karate Kid.
He's now Disciplined.
Snooki: 'Sim Fu, Karate, whatever. I have Dragon Balls to collect.'

TT: 'My Daddy sucks your Daddy's blood.'
I have never seen a Sim toddler grin until now. And it looks like something that shouldn't happen.

This too.

Fabian! Good to see you. What've you been up to?
Fabian: 'Chillin', dude.'

Fabian: 'And now I'm going to like, totally forego hanging out with my family to go clubbing.'

I don't think he ever got there anyway, since ghosts are really freaking slow.
Fabian: 'Naw, it's cool. Got to hang out with my brothers, the trees here.'
Of course.

Anais: 'You see, when the tentacles come out, that's when you know things are starting to get weird.'
I'm not sure this is... at all relevant or appropriate for a toddler's development.
Anais: 'Oh, c'mon. You've heard of a thing called internet, haven't you? Don't tell me this won't be useful to her someday.'
Well, TT is never going near a computer again, if that's the sort of thing in your browser history.

Anais: 'And, as for family history -- fires; we've had a lot of them. Most of them started by your dumbass grandfather. You'll probably start one at some point. If Dusk's hopeless father doesn't burn down half the legacy house first.'
TT: 'Fire!'
Anais: 'Well, I'm glad you have a healthy interest in something.'

Anais: 'Now, dear. I want you to say "love" for me.'
TT: 'Won't.'

Anais: 'C'mon, dear. Won't you warm this old heart once more? I would love my own granddaughter to learn about it, even if I can never again.'
TT: '...' :D

TT: 'Raah! Braaains.'
Anais: 'No, dear. You suck blood, not eat brains. I hope she's not going to grow up species-confused?'
It could happen. I don't plan to stop at vampires. >:D

Oh, and look what happened again.
Don't you have a wife and kids to attend to, Death?
Grim: 'I... whatever. I can't even be bothered with this today.'
Neither can I.

TT: 'Whatever, we've established the obvious, in that there is simply nothing of above importance to my growing up. Brace yourselves, everyone.'

TT: 'Don't look too closely, my statuesque figure has been known to cause retinal damage.'
Anais: 'I wonder if it's a hereditary thing.'

She also grew up with a bad case of buttsnap, (i.e. when their hands snap behind them)
Anais: 'No, not the buttsnap! My only precious granddaughter. Why!'
Crush: *HM-HM*

Tiger Tiger is now Hot-Headed.
TT: 'What? You got somethin' to say about that?'
I imagine her talking like one of those bosses in the old Mafia movies.

And we will end the chapter on this photo, because it means that Dusk has mastered Drums! Yay! Only one more skill to go. :D
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