'Great way to leave us all hanging. I've been standing in this position all night. Having had to socialise with these creepy moon people for that long, I'm now Friendly.'
Kristen or Corrinne: 'About time this was over! I've got homework to do.'
Go away Kristen. You're an adult. There is no University and you have no homework.

Ladies and gents, say hello to our Red Gen Heiress!

'Heiress? No-one said anything about heiress. Oh my God.'
Jeesh, calm down. Your LTW is 'One Sim Band', so all you have to do is stay at home skilling, and pop out a couple of babies.
'Babies? Those hurt, don't they? Oh no.'

'Oh uh, Mrs. H-'
'I'm still Miss Wilheim, dear.'
'Oh uh, I'm so sorry-'
Dusk: *door slams open* 'I AM HERE MOSES.'

Anais: 'Oh, Dusk sweetie, so this is your new beau, mm? He's certainly a handsome young thing.'
Dusk: 'Mum, do you mind? Can you please give us some privacy?'
Anais: 'Why, it's not all surprising with his mother such a famous hu-'
Dusk: 'MUM!'
Moses: 'This is sort of making me uncomfortable, Mrs. H - uh, Miss W.'
Anais: 'Why, they said she could take ANYONE to bed. Could raise the dead with her charms that woman could, and I mean RAISE. Hehe.'
Dusk: 'MUM! Enough. We're going now, Moses.'

'I'm so sorry about that Moses. My family's just... a little crazy.'
'Yeah uh, I kinda anticipated that, you being part of legacy family and all.'
'Really? You knew that, and you still wanted to be with me?'
'Of course I do. For you, Dusk.'
'Oh, Moses!'

*gross make-out session*

'Oh Moses, I can't wait any longer!'
'For uh, what?'

'Marry me, Moses.'
'Oh my!'

'C'mon, take the lens flare. You know you want to.'
'Oh Dusk, of course I will.'
If you were my husband
I'd never let you leave,
without a small recording device
taped under your sleeve.

And here is a celebratory shot of them in the new kitchen, and Moses in his new pyjamas.

Something this classy, can only mean... a party!
God, I am awful at these transitions.

The party is at one of the neat little pond things around Lunar Lakes, which sadly you can't swim in yet. But you know, that might all change with Seasons. :3

'Mwah! Phoens, you came!'
'As much as this humiliating condition becomes forthcomingly obvious, yes I did. For you, sweet sister.'
LOL. Phoenix moved out and got knocked up by an old man. Also, I'd like to note that they kiss each other on the cheeks, because they're both French Culture Sims, respectively.

'Oh my gosh Phoenix. It's getting dark out here, and we have so many valuables lying about! Do you think we'll get robbed? Oh my God, they won't be able to resist a blushing, young bride-to-be! I've seen these before Phoenix, it's horrible! The bride gets murdered on her wedding day and then her fiance finds her-'
'Settle down, Dusk. You need to stop watching those vaudevillein horrors. Nobody's out to put a young damsel in front of a train or anything.'
'Trains?! Who said anything about TRAINS?'
'Oh my God.'

Moses: 'Darling!'
Dusk: 'Moses!'
Phoenix: 'Welp, I'll be off then. Your husband's here now, so I'll leave you two to it. Great party, by the way.'

And then all the guests proceeded to block the lovely couple's way to the altar. What a walk down the aisle. >:

'Hooray, I'm uh, getting married to a pretty girl today. This is so great!'

'Yes, and that's all very well and good, but you've been doing that stupid idle for about an hour now, and I WANT TO GET MARRIED, DAMMIT!'
Ashley: 'GET ON WITH IT.'

Ashley: 'GET ON WITH IT.'
Yes, yes. What the bitchskank says.

'Uh yes, yes of course, my dear. Right away.'
'That's more like it.'
'That's more like it.'

'BOOHOOHOO, that's so beautiful! They're mutually exchanging their love! My eyeshield, it is overcome with emotion!'

'HAH, you're going to be crazy and alone for the rest of your life!'
And you're going to be raising your five kids for the rest of your life. Not to mention the ones your mother brings home every time she knocks up a young man.

They then proceeded to walk home in the dark, and Dusk was completely terrified.

And then there was the woohoo. Of course there was the woohoo. They were hungry, tired, and smelly. OF COURSE there was woohoo. Do I really need to say this?

Next time: Orange Gen!

And new beginnings!
Dusk is an adorable sim! Aw, Phoenix is pregnant. Too bad it's by a old dude. The house looks great!